kingdom heart retreat

to be an overcomer and start seeing with the eyes of your heart!

Supernatural Lifestyle - creative worship - anointed teaching



DATE: From 13. to 21. February 2024 at Hacienda Freedom Sanctuary in Nicaragua

Hacienda Freedom Sanctuary accommodations include 6 double rooms for up to 12 guests. Additional guestrooms are available at a nearby property.


daily retreat sChedule



The retreat program officially begins on Februrary 13. in the evening and the retreat daily schedule is a follows: 


Arrival: 13. February 2024


5.00 pm                           Pickup from San Juan del Sur 

18.00 – 19:00 pm            DINNER 

7.30 pm                           WORSHIP & FELLOWSHIP



Schedule 14.-20. February 2024


7.00 - 7.45 am                  MORNING PRAYER (Spirit-led prayer time with worship, praying in togues, authentic movement)

8.00 – 9:00 am                 BREAKFAST 

9.00 - 12.30 pm                KINGDOM HEART PROGRAM

                                         CREATIVE WORSHIP / Anbetung

                                         TEACHING - PROPHETIC MINISTRY

                                         CREATIVE WORKSHOPS 

12.30 - 13.15 pm              LUNCH 

13.30 - 17.00pm               RECREATION-TIME (beach, recreation, trips, etc.)

17.00 – 18:00 pm             DINNER 

18.30 pm - open end        HOLY SPIRIT SERVICE - everything is possible, Celebration, Worship, Healing, sharing...everybody is                                                welcome (incl. guests from outside).


Departure 21. February 2024





Eight powerful days in the presence of God, where heaven invades the earth.

Comfortable 2-bed-guestrooms in a beautiful remote area of Nicaragua. Fellowship with other disciples of Jesus. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We will experience healing, deliverance and deep change of heart.

We will teach and learn about true worship, a supernatural prophetic lifestyle, walking in the Spirit and love of Jesus, close to the heart of God and a life of faith, divine healing and heavenly provision. You will emerge from this retreat with new strength, clarity, revelation and a much deeper relationship with Jesus.

The natural beauty of the environment and the pristine beaches nearby, invite you to process the experience in peace and quiet time with God.


 "When heaven invades earth – transformation of the heart happens!

Start to see with the eyes of faith, hope and love and learn to live a supernatural life as true believer and overcomer in JESUS!"





Develop an authentic and unshakable relationship with God, rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus Christ.

Receive revelation about the next steps in your life!

Activate your spiritual gifts and discover your talents!

Recognize and remove deep-seated spiritual blockages and become free!

Learn to live a supernatural lifestyle in the prepared works of God.





Our heart's desire is that you ask God whether you should be there and then take the necessary steps with trust in Him. 

You are welcome to join the whole Retreat, or come only to the Holy Spirit lead morning program, or may be you join us in the evening with campfire, worship, prayer ect... 


The PRICE of the whole Retreat is on DONATION BASE. 

There is only a fee for food,  accommodation and transportation.


 - 3 meals a day, fruits, water, cafe and tea are 25 $  per person

 - Accommodation in a double room 70 /60 $ per night.

 - All workshops, teachings and events

 - All evening events (worship, prayer sharing the spiritual gifts, sometimes bornfire)

 - Transportation to and from San Juan del Sur 

 - Transportation to the beaches

 - One afternoon / evening with special dinner and sunset on Playa Hermosa Beach and worship evening 



 Everybody is welcome at the Holy Spirit lead evenings!

Worship, bornfire, celebration, prayer, dance, sharing from the heart... 

The gatherings will be on different locations: The locations will be written below:

13.02 to 15.02. at Hacienda Freedom Sanctuary

16.02. at Rancho Terre

Please bring your own chair if possible.

Language: english, spanish 


the Kingdom-heart-team

Bianca Birkholz

Mother of a 16 year old son, Author of the book: The New Jerusalem awakes, Founder of Kingdom Heart Academy, Leader of Hacienda Freedom Sanctuary in Nicaragua, Visionary of GODS ARK. 


In 2004, Bianca was touched deep in her heart by God with a vision/mission that changed her life forever. Since then she has been following the vision of GODS ARK, which she is building worldwide with brothers and sisters.

Her purpuse is apostolic-prophetic ministry, where she is available with her gifts of deliverance, music, art, dance and prophety.

Since February 2022 she has been working in Nicaragua, where she has built the training center Hacienda Freedom Sanctuary, with a focus on supernatural lifestyle, intimacy with God and evangelism.


With Hacienda Freedom Sanctuary she wants to give people in leadership the opportunity to organize retreats or seminars. The destiny of this beautiful place is an oasis of peace and tranquility for groups and individuales to take a break, recharge and get back into the divine flow.





Christian und Dorothea Stockmann 

are married since 1995 and worshippers by heart. They seek to be led by love in all they sing, preach and do .  Doro grew up in East-Germany and became a successful Solo-viola player. After 10 years in a symphony orchestra, she gave up her career to be a fulltime lover of Jesus, her husband and 7 beautiful kids. Christian came from an atheist background and had a supernatural encounter with JESUS at age twenty. One minute in the presence of God – emersed in pure love - changed him forever. He began to study the Bible intensively and became a passionate disciple, worship leader and a fiery preacher. His goal is to know GOD and to make HIM known - more and more every day! 


His sermons are regularly published on Youtube, Spotify and Telegram ( and have been encouraging and strengthening numerous christians in the last years. 

During the worldwide Covid-Pandemic he stood up as a prophetic voice for truth and righteousness in Germany and founded a nationwide christian network, where they build and equip strong housechurches for the coming days of tribulation and the return of the Lord.




Ralph und Gabi Neumann


... come from Germany, are desciples of Jesus and parents of seven children aged between 16 and 37 years and grandparents of 4 wonderful grandchildren. They live with their family in Southern Bavaria nearby lake Chiemsee.


Ralph is a son and lover of the Heavenly Father, a passionate worshiper, founding, leading and multiplying home churches together with his wife Gabi. He and his wife are burning to see the kingdom of God manifested in the here and now, to bring heaven to earth – in the midst of all "not yet", as it says in Jesus' prayer: "... on earth as it is in heaven." Ralph's calling is to be a bridge builder and trailblazer between churches, groups and denominations to encourage the body of Christ to overcome divisions and fences with the love of Christ to see the pure and spotless bride visibly emerge for whom Jesus will come again.He is ministering as worship leader in various churches and groups for over 30 years and is a professional sales manager in the intralogistics industry. His credo: Let yourself be loved by the Father, then you will become a channel of His love, enjoyable and attractive to people around you, and pursue Jesus Himself, not His hands, but His eyes. 




Doro Succer


has been married to Ricardo since 1994. They live in Berlin and have two grown sons and one grandson.


In 1996 God led her miraculously to the Jesusfamily - revival in the Stockmann home, where the love of God persuit and penetrated her heart, - till she finally gave up all resistence, not holding on to her rotten life any longer but letting go, so she could die with Christ and have Him, have His life and live it.

Love realy never fails and never gives up!

During running this race, God imparted in her heart a desire to heal broken children with this irresistable love, she herself experienced. God is leading her to severly broken children with orphan hearts even in her workplace, which is a home for children who don' t have one. She is loving the children to life. 


In Doros everyday life,  she is seeking for thirsty jars whereever she goes, filling them with the love, joy and peace of the Lord Jesus; convinced, that Love never fails and never gives up!





Secure your place now. There are only 12 places available at Hacienda Freedom Sanctuary. 

We would be very happy to have you with us for this powerful time together!

Write me an email: or contact me via WhatsApp or Telegram: +49 151 14443201. 

If you have any questions, please contact me (Bianca) or someone from the team. 


PAYMENT: The fees for the retreat will be collected at the beginning of the event.