



I have never experienced anything so brilliant about coaching. Bianca gets straight to the point, without beating around the bush. But not only that, she goes directly to the root and frees profound blockages. After one session I already felt much lighter and freed. I can only warmly recommend to everyone to have sessions with her. Thanks a lot! Eric


In the 7 sessions (package) I had with Bianca, life-changing things happened for me. On the one hand, I got a lot of clarity and solutions for my further path and on the other hand, I was freed from many deep-seated blockages and behavioral patterns, also from a primal fear that plagued me since my childhood. Thanks to their help, I am now able to reorganize my life. Thank you so much, Theresa


Thank you so much Bianca for your clear, transformative and beneficial coaching. I feel richly blessed, deeply moved and ready to explore new paths that I could not even begin to imagine before your sessions.  Thank you, Jessica


It was the first time I had experienced this kind of touch. The touches were very gentle, soft and focused. Through Bianca's hands the Holy Spirit flowed so strongly that my whole body vibrated and I was touched again and again by waves of flowing warmth. In between Bianca sang, which touched me deeply in my heart and peace came. After the session I felt liberated, peaceful and more in tune with myself. I would do it again and again., it was an amazing experience! Ruth





Dear Bianca , I want to thank you very much for this wonderful seminar ♥️🔥 ! The Lord was mightily present. I was allowed to experience Him again and again - especially during the language prayer of Bianca. And every time great peace has come into my heart. I am so blessed ! - Manuela, Germany


I was richly blessed and the Holy Spirit showed the hidden fears and insecurities about my vocation and the upcoming ministry assignment. 

I was allowed to name, confess and repent of these and put on the notes 🎵 the blood 🩸 of Jesus was powerful and fiery arrows of God (words of truth) had caused the fears to go up in smoke and ashes, but the notes were burning for the Lord and the new songs give glory to God. I have been tremendously strengthened and encouraged in my calling. All glory to our Lord. 🦁 🕊️♥️ Rachel, Germany


I was allowed, led by the Lord, to lay myself on His altar to give HIM Jawhe all that I am and have, because everything is through HIM and comes from HIM and flows to HIM. The altar has sanctified me as a living sacrifice and the fullness of Christ's inheritance has been unlocked and released for me in heavenly regions for perfect provision as a daughter of the Most High 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 that is God's will for all of us. Amen 🙏🏻 Thank you Lord, Petra, Germany


Many thanks Bianca for this precious ministery❣️ 

Today I had the impression that the Lord was taking my heart in His hand and breathing into it very gently all around in several places (even before Bianca said we were getting new gifts). On the hint to ask God what we are receiving, I did and the first thing I heard was "joy". Other words then came. I felt quite a lot of peace and healing as I was also able to be receptive today to what was about to happen.👑🔥🎁Heartfelt greetings, Bianca, Germany